➤ 新年度4月~新規生入会受付中!
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+サポートコース 通常レッスンにプラスでお得に受講
激しく変化していくこれからの社会では、主体的に人生を切り開いていくための様々な “ブレない力” が確実に求められていきます。英語は世界と繋がりを持てる最高のツールです。そして、英会話スキルの習得と同時にその先の力をも必要とされます。それは言葉を使う時の振る舞い方、異なる文化や人への理解、自分の意見を伝達するコミュニケーション能力など様々です。「英語を話せる」だけに留まらず国際人のベースとなるこれらの力も育んでいきたいと考えています。Kiwi Englishでは、皆さまとご一緒に子ども達がより豊かな将来に向かっていける環境作りを目指して参ります。
Head teacher's welcome
Welcome to Kiwi English website. Feel free to look around, you’ll see that our teachers, administrators, and staff are committed to providing a safe and nurturing learning environment for our students by providing the best learning opportunities for students. Kiwi English prides itself more than 25 years of community service.
Our mission is to instill in our students the foundation necessary to go out into the world as lifelong learners, with a positive outlook, and prepared for life.
Throughout this website you will find information about some special programs run, that set our, kindergarten, elementary, junior high and high school programs apart from other schools in the neighborhood.
We look forward to getting to know you and to learning how we can serve you and your family. If you have any questions or would like to tour the school, please give us a call at 043-254-0745 or send us any messages from here. We thank our current parents for entrusting their children to our care and we look forward to welcoming new families to our school community in the near future!
Rena G.M. Jonassen